Amiga RC5 Team news


August 20th 1998

The Amiga RC5 Team effort has entered its second year of existence and
we can proudly look back on the accomplishments of the first. In many
ways the Amiga is experiencing a rebirth, and the first candle is lit

Over the course of the years as mainstream computing has evolved from
diversity in the eighties to Wintel dominance in the nineties, the
general public is more inclined to see only the 'advances' Wintel made,
where alternative platforms like the Amiga seemingly underwent no change
or completely dwindled from the public eye. But the Amiga did change and
adapt, if not commercially, then by its definition of what Amiga is. At
first it was the technologically advanced synergy of hard- and software,
then the OS, to what we now regard as Amiga: the community, the spirit,
a lifestyle even. And into the future, the promise of a once again far
advanced OS and return of an open platform, being defined as we speak.

The Amiga RC5 Team effort quickly grew from a handful of participants to
what seems a major force on the frontiers of distributed computing, a
convergence between what some might regard as old and new technologies.

We continue to prove to the world that the Amiga is in some ways more
alive by the day and that enthousiasm weighs up against other factors,
while we soon hope to prove it in other ways than this effort has as

In this last year we competed in four RSA Labs/Distributed Net
challenges, coming out ranking in the top 10 out of thousands of teams
in three of these, beating other illustrious participants such as IBM,
Hewlett Packard, Siemens Nixdorf, NetScape, Oracle and a host of others,
too many to mention, except maybe for the Win32/Windows team :)

With over 1200 members (and over 2200 computers) of which over half
consist of Amigas in the current RC5-64 challenge we have come as close
to the top as a number three daily ranking, while still growing steadily
as more people join and more PowerPC equipped Amigas fill our ranks.

Once again we call to arms, join the effort now and propel the Amiga
back into the limelight to pave the way for its comeback, possibly
winning part of the US $10,000 award for finding the right key in the
RC5-64 challenge or one of the upcoming DES II challenges. For full
details on what RC5/DES, RSA Labs and Distributed Net are and how we fit
into all this, see the Amiga RC5 Team effort homepage listed below.

We must thank all participants for this past year's effort, all
companies and magazines who supported us and continue to do so, and of
course the developers contributing amongst which foremostly Stefan
'Blast' Smietanowski and Christopher A. Wichura who brought us the
various Amiga clients.

The Amiga RC5 Team effort is also providing a mailinglist as a forum for
the discussion on above topics and the effort in general.

For additional info on how to participate and more in depth explanation,
please visit the Amiga RC5 Team effort homepage at:


Amiga RC5 Team effort coordinator
Thomas Tavoly -

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